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Time For Reflection

December 12, 2024

As the school year draws to a close, it’s easy to feel swept away by the busyness of year end events and the exhaustion that accompany the final stretch. Each year is a journey filled with moments of triumph and challenge, creativity and resilience. Amid the whirlwind of planning, assessing and supporting students, it can sometimes be hard to recognise all you have accomplished. Yet, as the year comes to an end, it is a powerful time to pause and reflect on the impact you’ve made.

Finish Strong

November 14, 2024

The final term of the school year is a crazy busy time in schools. End of year assessment and reporting, class allocations, timetabling, budgets and planning for next year, swamp us at a time when our energies are low and many of us feel we are running on empty. At the end of the year we are likely to be more sensitive than usual, perhaps a little ‘thin skinned’ and emotional because we are run down and in need of that well-earned break. We shouldn’t be surprised. The same thing happens at this time every year. The important thing is HOW we respond to this challenge. Monitoring our self-talk and our sensitivity are particularly important at this time of the…

It’s Worth It! WTD Special Edition

October 24, 2024

Working in schools is challenging. At times we can wonder if it is all worth it. When we are feeling that way, it is important that we recognise the significance of our work. We aren’t working in factories, making widgets. We have the opportunity to change lives every single day. Whilst it isn’t easy and it is frustrating at times, ultimately, it is worth it! The following poem is shared to mark World Teachers’ Day. It was written for the cover of the Treasure Boxes provided as part of our Happy Teacher – Early Career Teacher program. The boxes were provided to first year teachers to encourage them to collect and treasure throughout their career, any notes or cards of…

Worry Less – Smile More

August 15, 2024

In the fast-paced school environment, we can often find ourselves overwhelmed with concerns. From staff and resource shortages; curriculum changes; unrealistic expectations of some parents; leadership issues; struggling students; to poor behaviour, it’s easy to fall into a cycle of worry. Will Billy have a meltdown today? Will that cranky parent complain about me? Will this lesson work? Will my students engage and behave? Will my hours get cut? Will the wifi crash? Our days can be filled with worrying. However, most of the things we worry about, never actually happen. Worrying is a natural human response to uncertainty and potential threats. However, research shows that a significant portion of our worries are unfounded. A study by the University of…

7 Ways to End Your Day Feeling Happy and Satisfied

August 8, 2024

1.Reflect on what you achieved One of the challenges of working in schools is we can’t necessarily see what we have achieved each day. Take a few moments to review how you used your time today. Clean up for a fresh start tomorrow Clutter, physical and virtual, takes a surprising toll on your energy. Tidy your desk at the end of each day — after saving your open work — close all of your computer’s unneeded windows and browser tabs. Cleaning up today, gives you a fresh start tomorrow. Prepare tomorrow’s to-do list in order of priority Doing this has two benefits. First of all, it gives you a sense of completion when you hand off tasks to another day.…

We’ve Got This!

June 13, 2024

In the heart of every community, there exists a group of individuals whose dedication and impact are immeasurable. These individuals, often uncelebrated but always vital, are staff who work in schools. We stand together on the front line of shaping the future. In the face of unprecedented challenges, it is crucial to recognise the profound importance of our work and to find renewed inspiration to persevere. Working in schools has a profound impact. Every word of encouragement we offer and every challenge we help a student overcome, contributes to the larger society. It is through our efforts that students learn to think critically, to explore their creativity and to understand the complexities of the world around them. The seeds we…

Cut YOURSELF Some Slack

May 30, 2024

That little voice inside your head is powerful! It can be harsher than your toughest critic. What we say to ourselves has a significant affect on our stress levels. In last week’s Happy School article we highlighted the importance of cutting OTHER people some slack. We recommended taking care not to be too judgemental of others and giving them the benefit of the doubt, where possible. We don’t always know what is going on in other people’s lives and we should try to be forgiving. It is just as important that we have reasonable expectations of ourselves. We need to monitor our self-talk and ensure that we are being fair to ourselves, particularly when we are running low on reserves.…

Building Emotional Resilience

May 5, 2024

“I’ve come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element in the classroom.   It’s my mood that sets the weather.” This quote from Haim Ginott is a two edged sword. Whilst it can inspire us, it is also a daunting reminder of the impact that we can have each day. Have you noticed that when we are feeling tired or stressed our students’ behaviour often deteriorates? This can create a vicious cycle where we don’t respond as well as we could and their behaviour degenerates further. On those days, it is easy to resent the suggestion that we are the decisive element. Emotional resilience is our ability to maintain an even, consistent and predictable approach. Emotionally resilient people…

Do You Look After Yourself

March 28, 2024

Recently I was suffering from “man flu”. Men are always the last to know that they have it. Luckily my gorgeous wife was able to point it out to me. Apparently, “man flu” is when a man has a slight cold but they think it is the end of the world! Now, I am not a believer in “soldiering on”. I believe that when my body is ill I need to rest and let it get better. Consequently, I cancelled several work and social appointments. Now, I could have gone along but it was just not worth it. There was a slight chance I could have infected the person I was meeting (and depending on their air-conditioning system, half of the…

Are You Suffering Decision Fatigue?

March 21, 2024

Research shows that on average, teachers will make more than 1500 educational decisions every school day. That’s more than four decisions every minute! ‘Decision Fatigue’ is an area currently being researched at Stanford University. Researchers have found that constantly having to make decisions creates fatigue and puts us at risk of making poorer decisions later in the day. As we become more mentally tired, we start acting more impulsively. Author of the book Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength, Roy Baumeister believes that this explains, “Why ordinarily sensible people get angry at colleagues and families, splurge on clothes, buy junk food and can’t resist the dealer’s offer to rustproof their new car. No matter how rational and high-minded you try…

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