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Getting Feedback From Your Students

August 2, 2018

Getting feedback from your students can help identify where you should focus your attention to improve your practice. If what you are doing in the classroom is not working from the student’s perspective, then making some changes is likely to be beneficial (for them AND for you). If students are disengaged, for whatever reason, they have an impact on our stress levels. Their disengagement may present as poor behaviour that disrupts the learning of others and demands our attention OR withdrawal that also causes us stress, by challenging us to find a way of reconnecting with them. Whilst students should be at the centre of what we do, you as the teacher are the person with the most impact in…

When Teaching gets Tough

August 18, 2016

Working in schools can be tough and seems to be getting even more challenging. Each year things seem to get tougher! Changes in the curriculum, increased accountability, demanding or absent parents, poor student behaviour, changes in society, tightening budgets and a push to do more with less all contribute to increased pressure in schools. We work with people every day and people are unpredictable. Many of the great staff who work in schools express their frustration that working in schools is tougher than it used to be. I’d argue that working in schools is tough and has always been tough. Have there always been so many stressed out staff? Research undertaken for my Masters back in 1995 highlighted high levels…

5 Top Tips for Lowering Stress

June 8, 2016

Working in schools can be very rewarding but it also can be stressful and demanding. The following 5 tips can help to lower stress at times when you feel under pressure. Choose a positive attitude – our attitude has a HUGE impact on our stress levels and our effectiveness each day. It is vital to realise that our attitude is NOT imposed on us. We have a choice each and every day. We can choose to be positive and enthusiastic or negative and at the mercy of others. The choice is ours! The attitude that we have is probably the most important decision that we make each day. On tough days, when things just don’t seem to be going our…

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