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School Staff Stress – the Facts

The stress of working in schools is widely recognised. Numerous studies in Australia and overseas have addressed its causes. Teachers are leaving our profession in increasing numbers and a high proportion of those who remain in the job freely admit their dissatisfaction and distress. This not only causes concern for the well being of the teachers themselves but also the educational well being of students. Why is working in schools so stressful? Jobs that bear a large amount of responsibility for the welfare of others are more stressful Staff in schools deal with a wide array of personalities and cater for a wide range of educational and human needs Students often rely on staff in schools for stability and support…

Positive Worry Builds Resilience

Schools become less productive when staff stew over problems that they can’t change and dwell on the hardships and difficulties in the problems that they can change. Worry, self pity and pessimism create a septic tank of negative energy that drains energy, enthusiasm and initiative. The solution requires people to flip their worry into positive expectations. Pronoia (defined as “the opposite state of mind to paranoia”), is the philosophy where you have the sense that there is a conspiracy that the world is set up to secretly help you. In other words, that others are conspiring behind your back to help you. The principle was coined by Fred H. Goldner in 1982 and has since been published in Psychology Today…

Mineral Rights A Fierce Conversations Model

The Mineral Rights conversation model is one of four approaches advocated in the Fierce Conversations program. Using this model allows you to engage in rich conversations and dig deep to the heart of important matters, one conversation at a time. Identify the issue or need – “What is the most important thing we should be talking about?” Your mission is to understand what matters most to the person you are trying to help. Don’t be quick to assume. Try to identify the need or the problem they are trying to solve or the result they are trying to achieve. Remember that what they might identify as the solution isn’t always what is needed. Resist the temptation to give solutions or…

Life Success Matrix

‘Decide what your brilliant, balanced life looks like, and plan to live it.’ As educators, we are well aware of the need to encourage good values in our students. But how many of us actually take the time to consider our own personal values? Your values, of course, clarify what’s important to you. They drive the way you live your life. Successful teachers know what their own personal values are and make sure they live their life by them. However, in the hustle and bustle and busyness of school life, personal values can sometimes be neglected. For example, if one of your personal values is to ‘have fun’, and you are not having any, your life will soon be out…

Is your stress coping strategy working FOR or AGAINST you?

When we experience prolonged negative stress our body consumes Vitamin C, B-complex vitamins and potassium phosphate at an incredible rate. If we are not regularly consuming adequate amounts of these nutrients through our diet, then the resultant deficiency increases our stress response which in turn causes a greater deficiency in these protective nutrients. We tend to make poor food choices when we are under stress. Have you found yourself doing or consuming any of the following? Caffeine:- 2.5 cups of coffee a day [250 mg caffeine] will exhaust the adrenal glands, lead to poor concentration and decreased effectiveness, cause sleep disturbances and increased levels of cortisol [stress hormone] in the blood. Eating the Wrong Foods:- stressed people tend to crave…

How to Feel F.R.E.S.H. at Work Every Day

Have you been through a tough period lately? Too much to do and not enough time? Feeling a bit low on energy but not sure what to do about it? What you need is a F.R.E.S.H. approach to work. It starts with understanding where you sit on the engagement matrix: Green – When most people start a new job (even if they have prior experience elsewhere) they have lots of enthusiasm but may lack the skills to do the job. Keen – As they develop their skills they move towards the ideal combination of ability and enthusiasm . . I like my job and I know how to do it. Mean – They still have the skills to do the…

How to DESTRESS Your Life

In today’s economic climate, there are an ever increasing amount of responsibilities and social pressures which can often lead to feelings of stress. To help manage these situations below is a quick DESTRESS strategy for you: D – Do the ‘Urgent AND Important’ things first Prioritise those things that are not just urgent, but also important. Things that seem ‘urgent’ but really won’t impact your day are often the things that keep you ‘busy’ rather than ‘productive’. E – Exercise every day The body can deal with stress effectively as long as it is dealt with quickly. How? By exercising! Aim for at least 15 minutes every day. S – Stop and think about your health During stressful times our…

GROW Model for Goal Setting

Try the GROW model for a simple model that is easy to use and helps give clarity around what you want to achieve. The model also helps you consider your options. The model also helps convert goals into actions. As well as using it for goal setting, it is also an excellent tool for coaching and problem solving. This is a practical tool that you can use for yourself and in the classroom. Students understand this model easily and as a teacher you can empower students to apply the GROW model to their own situation and take ownership for their actions. GROW stands for Goal, Reality, Options, Will / Wrap-up. See below for a break down of each step. GOAL…

Email Madness

Keeping it under control We need to consider how and why we are using e-mail. Whilst it can be an effective communication method if used well, used poorly, it wastes a lot of unnecessary time. Think before you write, not when you write – Remember that a face-to-face conversation is the best form of communication. If that’s not possible, use email to set up a telephone call and use email as a record of agreed outcomes. What can be discussed in minutes often takes hours in the creation and transmission of a series of emails between two parties. Don’t confuse Important and Urgent – When sending an email that requires action by a specific time, consider including this in the…

Communication – An Essential Investment!

It’s “Tax time” for every individual & organisation whether Company, Community, Clan or Church. These magic words present an opportunity to finalise projections for the next 12 months, complete financial returns and report to stakeholders. Similarly, it is an ideal time to consider the effectiveness of individual and organisational communications over the past 12 months. Consider the people we work, live and play with. Let’s start with a few questions: Do your relationships feel ‘out of balance’? What sort of ‘return on investment’ are you seeing? Have external factors influenced performance outcomes? Does it seem that expectations just aren’t being met? Time to take responsibility and be part of the solution! Are you ready? Choose two out of the following…

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