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Get More Done with the Pomodoro Technique

January 12, 2023

Working in schools is almost always crazy busy. There is always a lot to be done and it never seems like there is enough time to do it. It is essential that we use the time we have available effectively and efficiently. Increasing our focus and reducing our distractions is one of the keys to getting more done. Often we are distracted without even realising it, for example, glancing at your phone, quickly checking your email or being aware of a conversation that is going on around you. Often we give in to these distractions out of habit. Distractions inhibit your ability to totally immerse yourself in the task and reach the highly productive state known as ‘flow’. The Pomodoro…

Efficient or Effective – Part 1

August 11, 2022

“I want to be more efficient and effective!” is a statement often heard in schools. Yet many people aren’t clear on the difference between being more efficient and being more effective. They are not interchangeable words and represent completely separate goals. Efforts to improve “productivity” in the workplace often lead to confusion as to whether they need more efficiency or more effectiveness. As a result, nothing much changes. Understanding the two concepts and correctly identifying which you need to focus on, is critical. The easiest way to differentiate between the two concepts is… Efficient – Doing things right Effective – Doing the right things This simple definition cuts to the heart of the matter – efficient is about HOW you…

Be Careful About the Assumptions You Make

June 30, 2022

According to Stephen MR Covey we see another person’s behaviour and make assumptions about their intentions. If we think their intentions are good, we are more likely to trust them. If we are suspicious of their intentions or believe that their intentions are selfish and not in our interests, we are less likely to trust them. However, the same behaviour can be interpreted different ways.  It all depends on how the person ‘reads’ the other person. Emotional intelligence is important. Research shows that ‘accurate person perception’ or being able to ‘read’ people is very beneficial. However, the vast majority of us are not as good at reading people as we think we are. Far from it! University of Chicago professor,…

Hooks of Escalation

Highly effective teachers operate through influence rather than through power. They focus on building positive relationships with students and reduce the need to exercise power to control students. The nonverbals are completely different. What do the nonverbals look like when operating from influence? You approach the student from the side. You have your eyes on the student work. You are further from the student. You are more non-verbal. Your breathing is low. What do the nonverbals look like when operating from power? You come directly up from the front. You make sure that you have your eyes on the student. You are physically close. You are more verbal, especially a strident, loud voice. Your breathing is really high. Some students…

Developing Intrinsic Motivation

April 28, 2022

Motivating and engaging students is challenging. Edward Deci, one of the premier researchers and authorities on intrinsic motivation, wrote: “The proper question is not, how can people motivate others, but rather, how can people create the conditions within which others will motivate themselves?” When we are trying to motivate students—often unsuccessfully—the energy is coming from us. When we help students discover their own motivation and challenge them to act on it, more of the energy is coming from them. In fact, this perspective is in keeping with the original roots of the word motivation. It comes from “motive” which, in the 15th century, meant “that which inwardly moves a person to behave a certain way.” I advocate considering the difference…

Fixed and Growth Mindsets

April 7, 2022

Our mindset impacts on our effectiveness and ultimately our success according to acclaimed researcher Dr Carol Dweck. Through her research Dweck discovered that people have different mindsets about their talents and abilities and that these mindsets make a big difference. Some people believe that their talents and abilities are fixed traits – they have a certain amount and that’s that. Dweck calls this a fixed mindset. But other people have a growth mindset. They believe that their talents and abilities can be developed through hard work and perseverance. In her excellent book, ‘Mindset’, Dr Dweck explains that how people view themselves has a significant impact on their response to challenges. People with a fixed mindset often shy away from challenges.…

Real World Classroom Management

March 3, 2022

Good classroom management is essential. Here are some ideas for you to reflect on how you manage behaviour from US Principal, Lisa Brumfield on The Principal’s Desk. Be succinct in your instructions. Most students can follow two-step directions at best. With this in mind, limit multiple requests. For example, if you say…“ I need all of you to take out your book and put them on my desk, put your homework in the red tray, put your journal in the blue basket, place your excursion form on my desk, sign in your attendance, choose a book and sit at your desk” you will be lucky if you see any homework in that red tray. Keep redirections short. Good Example: “Jacob…

Effective Parent-Teacher Meetings

February 24, 2022

Parent-teacher meetings can be a stressful time as they often add to our existing workloads. Not only do they usually occur before or after a busy day of teaching, many teachers feel uncomfortable dealing with parents. Changing formats and modes brought about by COVID may be adding to the stress. Planning and preparation are essential to increase effectiveness and reduce stress. The need for social distancing (when we are actually meeting face-to-face with parents) make setting up the environment for the interviews even more challenging. You should have a clear space to meet with the parent/s. Ideally you should be seated alongside the parent so that you can discuss and look at examples together. This may not be possible with…

The Competence-Confidence Loop

February 3, 2022

To feel satisfied and happy in our work in schools, we need to feel both competent AND confident. If these are unbalanced, we can become doubtful, frustrated, unmotivated and could end up mentally and emotionally drained. Being too confident without competence is delusional. However, people who are competent but don’t have confidence, are filled with self-doubt and are likely to be anxious. As we learn new skills, we gain competence and as we gain competence we are more confident to try more, which again grows our competence. You may have experienced this as COVID has forced us to rapidly take on new skills. Becoming aware of how competence and confidence are both impactful and interrelated, as well as learning how…

Voice the forgotten tool of the trade

December 2, 2021

Have you found yourself continuously clearing your throat or sounding hoarse and croaky? You may be damaging your tool of the trade as nodules could be forming on your vocal folds. You could easily do damage that could cause you to have to consider a career change. The teaching profession has the highest numbers when it comes to vocal damage, nodules and even surgery followed by rehabilitation and time off. Can you imagine the impact of being voiceless? As a school community we annually do our WHS training where we learn about safe practices to protect us and keep us safe but why are we not taking care of our most important tool of the trade? OUR VOICE! What goes…

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