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What To Do When There Is Too Much To Do

September 17, 2020

Time is precious. Schools are busy places. There is almost too much to do and not enough time. No matter what time of year it is, the problem is the same: our list of tasks is never-ending and our time available is never enough. How can we deal with this in a sane way? Realise That You Can’t Do It All Right Now You might have 20 things to do or 100….but you can’t do all of them right now. How many can you actually do right now? ONE! Realising that we can’t do everything right now is an important step in having realistic expectations about what we can achieve. Research shows that most people UNDER estimate how long tasks actually…

6 Simple Strategies For Saving Your Sanity

July 30, 2020

Working in schools is busy. There is always too much to do and not enough time to do it. One of the many challenges is that the work can be never ending. There is always MORE that can be done. MORE preparation, MORE marking and feedback, MORE researching options, MORE skills to develop, MORE technology to investigate, MORE emails to answer, MORE tasks on your TO DO list! Working in schools can be a never ending job. You could work 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. You have to choose NOT to. 1 Get Organised and Declutter Your work space should be organised and ideally CLEAR. If your desk is piled with work that you are ‘going to…

Is it time for a digital disconnect?

June 18, 2020

Are you too attached to technology and obsessed with the digital world? Between texts, emails, phone calls and notifications from the multiple social media apps, when are you really unplugged from this virtual world we have created? In the last 10 years the cyber demands for our busy social lifestyle has proven to be an amazing way to stay connected and current but it is important and beneficial for us to disconnect with digital and reconnect with reality for a few minutes a day. THE BAD Social media has been noted by researchers as the millennial generation drug of choice. While this technological advancement isn’t officially considered an addiction, our attachment to the internet and social media sites is becoming…

Are YOU Adding to OR… Taking Away?

We are not invisible! There is no neutral. You are either adding to a relationship or taking away from one. Sadly, many people attempting to be neutral don’t even realise that they are taking away. These are the people who when they are lied about at their farewell morning tea, don’t even know! Their self-awareness of their own energy and more importantly, its negative impact on others is either negligible or completely non existent! There is, of course, a more dangerous group of people. These are the people who are busy taking away. Their reasons vary and are often complicated. Some sadly enjoy the negative attention whilst others are so scared, hurt and cynical, they have either forgotten or have…

Are You Too Warm OR Too Demanding?

March 19, 2020

Our ability to connect with students has a direct impact on our stress level and happiness. Behaviour management guru Bill Rogers uses the term WarmDemanding to describe the ideal demeanor of staff in schools. Rogers argues that our interactions with students should be characterised by a balance between the ‘warmth’ that shows we care about them as individuals and the‘demanding’ that shows we have expectations of them and their behaviour. I find it helpful to see this as a continuum. I have worked with staff in schools who have been too far to one end of the spectrum. Some staff have presented as being ‘too warm’. They are clearly very keen to be friends with students and work very hard…

A Carrot, an Egg and a Cup of Coffee

March 12, 2020

This great parable from an unknown author encourages us to reflect on how we cope with adversity. A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up; she was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed as one problem was solved, a new one arose. Her mother took her to the kitchen. She filled three pots with water and turned each hot plate to high. Soon the pots came to the boil. In the first pot she placed carrots, in the second she placed eggs and in the last pot she poured ground…

Live the Reputation You Want to Have

February 6, 2020

If asked for three words to describe YOU, what three words would your students use? What about parents? What three words would they choose? Finally, your colleagues, what is your reputation in their eyes?   Each of us has a reputation in the eyes of others. This reputation may be accurate or ill informed. It may have been hard earned over many years, inherited through our position or even assumed based on first impressions. But our reputation impacts on our relationships with others and our effectiveness.   This year I’d like you to think about the three words you’d LIKE your reputation to be. What would you like people to say about you at the end of the year?  …

Making 2020 Your Year

January 23, 2020

It’s relatively easy to start the year feeling refreshed and recharged and ready for the year ahead. It’s a little more difficult to maintain that energy level during the year. A little planning now can set you up to make 2020 your best year yet! Start by reflecting on last year and then identify key areas for action.   Without reflection, we will continue to repeat the same mistakes of the past. Without action, nothing is achieved. Take a moment now to reflect on last year. What worked well and what contributed to higher levels of stress? Were you organised and prepared for peak periods eg report time? Were you efficient with your time or did you procrastinate or focus on…

10 Important Priorities For A Successful Year

January 16, 2020

Whether  you are a novice teacher or an experienced classroom practitioner, it is easy to be overwhelmed by the bewildering amount of work that needs to be accomplished each school day. With this type of workplace pressure, it is crucial to prioritise your tasks so that you can accomplish everything you need to do, move forward in meeting your goals, reduce your own stress levels, and, most importantly, be the teacher your students need for you to be. While our daily tasks will change during the course of the year, our priorities will not. In the list below, you will find the ten most important priorities that all teachers, no matter what we teach, must pay careful attention to. 1.…

Motivation in the Classroom

September 19, 2019

It’s important to reinforce student self-motivation on a regular basis: Praise Effort and Specific Actions If we only praise students in general—”You’re very smart”—many will then try to avoid taking risks and stretching themselves. They will focus more on maintaining their image and believe that they will embarrass themselves by making mistakes. Praising effort— “You worked really hard today”—or praising specific actions —”Your topic sentence communicates the main idea”—can make students feel that they are more in control of their success and that their success is less dependent on their “natural intelligence”. Build Relationships Staff in schools build relationships with their students by showing that they care about them and by learning about their lives, dreams and challenges. This is…

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