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Data isn’t just a four letter word

May 6, 2021

Like it or not, data cannot be dismissed as “just another four letter word”. Now, more than ever, gathering, synthesising, analysing and reporting on data is an intrinsic part of working in education. Therefore it is both essential and wise to invest time in developing strategies and systems to not only cope, but thrive, in the data-informed school environment. Here are some ideas for lightening the load: Work backwards – start where you hope to end up. Know WHAT you need to assess, WHEN you need to report on it and WHO you are sharing that information with. Understanding the difference between formative and summative assessment is critical to this step. Leaders need to ensure staff are clear on their…

Morning Routines Set Us Up For Success

January 28, 2021

Contrary to some trains of thought, routines are not about rigidity and control. Our brains like patterns. Setting and following a daily routine supports your mind by giving it the structure it needs to achieve your goals. But that’s not all – routines are good for your heart and soul! They contribute to feelings of familiarity and reassurance and help you respond better to change. How do you set up a routine that works for you? Well, don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. Creating a routine isn’t about completely overhauling everything you do and arbitrarily putting a whole new “system” of how you “do mornings” into place. Some commentators suggest massive lists of tasks for a magnificent morning…

Setting the Boundaries for a Successful 2021

January 21, 2021

The start of a new school year can be an exciting time. Hopefully you have returned to school after the holiday period feeling rested and recharged. We often forget how exhausted we were back in November. Looking after ourselves and making good choices for our well-being are OUR responsibility. It isn’t the Principal’s job to look after YOUR  well-being. It is YOUR responsibility! PS The Principal and other leaders’ responsibility is to lead a school culture that supports you to do your best work! One of the challenges of working in education is that it can be difficult to disconnect from our work and switch off. Mobile technology for example means we are more connected than ever. This can allow…

Using Time Well

November 5, 2020

Often in schools we have too much to do and not enough time to do it in. Time is a precious commodity. It is vital that we use the time we have available well. One of the challenges of working in schools is that much of our day is FIXED. There are classes to be taught, duties to be fulfilled and meetings to attend. This makes it even more important that we use any flexible time effectively to do the things that are important. With so much to do and so little flexible time available it is essential that we prioritise ruthlessly and do the most important work; the work that makes the most difference in our role. We need…

BIG Black Holes: Where does the time go?

July 23, 2020

At times, working in schools can be overwhelming. You have students and parents to help, lessons to plan, student work to mark, meetings to attend, reports to write, budgets to submit, emails to respond to and, if there is any time left—students to teach. There is so much to do, and only a limited amount of time in which to accomplish it. Time management for staff in schools is far more complicated than for staff in other industries. We face unique challenges: Much of the day is already scheduled. There is very limited leeway so staff in schools must work very efficiently with the very limited time that is flexible. An important component of working in schools is to assist…

6 Strategies For Reducing Email Load

July 2, 2020

Working in schools, we need to protect our professional time vigilantly. Email can eagerly devour our preparation time, infringe on our time outside of school and can distance us from the important tasks. If we are disciplined though, email doesn’t have to be a burden – we can use it as a weapon of efficiency, making us more frequent communicators with parents and administrators, more effective record keepers and more focused in our growth. Here are six strategies for reducing the flood of messages we receive and becoming more pragmatic with our replies, freeing time for more important endeavours. 1. Unsubscribe Ruthlessly According to the email service provider Mail Chimp, only 18.6 percent of education newsletter emails are opened, and…

What did you achieve today?

April 9, 2020

For staff in schools, managing your own well-being is a must. There are several causes of stress for staff working in schools; difficult parents and colleagues, unrealistic expectations and deadlines, report cards and unacceptable student behaviour to name a few. Having been entrusted with the well being, discipline and education of a school full of students, teachers and staff working in schools have a huge responsibility. It is vital that we get satisfaction from our work in schools. Our work is a significant component of our lives. Whilst our jobs shouldn’t define ‘who we are’, our work should contribute to a sense of satisfaction that our work is important and DOES make a difference. If it doesn’t, then it is…

Get More Done – Productivity Hacks

January 30, 2020

Time is a precious commodity. Each year there seems to be more tasks that need to be completed in our work in schools, in the same amount of time. The start of the year is the ideal time to make sure that we are being as efficient as possible and using our time well. These productivity hacks can help get more done in less time.   Focus – Multi-tasking is NOT the Answer Schools are such busy places, we often have many tasks on the go at one time. The ability to multi-task or “juggle many balls in the air” at one time is held in high esteem. However, research indicates that we aren’t actually multi-tasking, we are in fact…

Keys of Prioritisation

July 4, 2019

Staff in schools often feel we have too much to do and not enough time to do it. We often feel we are asked to do more, with less. Utilising our time well is therefore imperative. Peter Drucker, the grandfather of today’s management consultants and time management gurus, says today’s challenge is that we know we have ten things needing to be done, but we only have time to do six of them. The real challenge is picking the right six to do and then going home at night and not worrying about the four that you had to let go and didn’t get done. The negative self-talk about the tasks that we have NOT done adds significantly to our…

Smart Systems to make You Smile

April 4, 2019

How is your workload going? The end of the first term is looming already and it’s time to assess whether you and your systems have been working effectively… or if you’ve only just been keeping your head above water, perhaps you’re ready to begin establishing some new systems! Systems can actually make us happier. When you start working towards a goal, you get an initial burst of energy that motivates you to act. It is this that drives you to wake up earlier each day, get to the gym regularly or finish your marking each weekend… for a few days or weeks, anyway. Unfortunately, this energy is limited and is reduced every time you exert effort towards your goal. It…

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