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How Does Your Balance Wheel Measure Up?

June 6, 2024

The six aspects of our lives that help us achieve balance are depicted in this wheel. Imagine that this wheel is, in fact, a life raft. The idea is to keep air in all six compartments because if any one were to get spiked and lose its air, the other five would keep you floating. If, on the other hand, you had all the air in one compartment only, like ‘work’ and that compartment got punctured, you and your life raft would rapidly deflate and sink. A  great way to check your ‘spread of air’ is to place this symbol of the life raft into your calendar dates for the next two weeks, with the aim each day of ticking…

Funny Things Happen in Schools…

May 16, 2024

Working in schools can be frustrating. There is always so much to do. Our ‘To Do’ list is never finished and our IN box will always have unanswered emails. However, it is important and beneficial to stop and reflect on both the satisfaction that we gain through working in schools, as well as some of the funny things that occur. Think about some of the funny things that have happened during your career.  This week, share a story with a colleague.  Here is mine! Early in my career I was the teaching Principal at a one teacher school. This is a particularly busy and demanding role. I was teaching a multi-age class of 18 students from Year 1 to 7.…

Wake Up and WIN

May 9, 2024

Most of us wander around in a daze of unconsciousness! Our eyes are open but our brains are not registering what is really happening in our world and how we are shaping it! What would your world be like if you were really aware of what your contribution was to every situation you find yourself in?  For example, when I speak at conferences, I say that all communication is in loops. What you do, affects the other person, which in turn affects you and so on. Whenever we interact with somebody who’s behaviour we don’t like, we invariably would like them to change.  We all want the OTHER person to change don’t we? But there is little – read NO…

What Will YOUR Students Remember?

April 25, 2024

Think back to who your favourite teacher was when YOU were a student. Now think about WHY you chose that particular teacher. The reason almost invariably comes back to the way that particular teacher made you feel. “I remember a teacher who made me feel welcome, safe and important. She saw something special in me.” Many people comment on how much the teacher cared about them, how they made them feel and how they took a genuine interest in them. How many of YOUR students, when confronted with the same question at some stage in their future, will name you? What will you be remembered for? Participants at a recent workshop said the following about their favourite teachers. “My teacher……

Little Acts of Kindness

April 18, 2024

One small, thoughtful gesture can make someone else’s day. Print out this list of kindness acts and check off as many as you can this week! Do something special for the staff in the front office at your school. Praise a fellow staff member – be specific about exactly what they did, that you liked and tell them how that made you FEEL. Put a little note in your child or partner’s lunch box, telling them how much you love them. Say “Good morning” to every stranger you see this morning. Write a letter to a child who could use some extra attention. Kids love getting mail. Offer to do duty for a colleague who needs a break. Say “I…

Your Mood Matters

February 8, 2024

The Harvard Business Review (HBR) lists emotional intelligence (EQ) as the number one quality of a great leader. The essence of EQ is to know yourself, manage yourself and manage relationships. Knowing yourself is the key as it allows you to manage yourself, which allows you to manage others. Out of all the various aspects of emotional intelligence, HBR states that the leader’s mood has the most significant impact on the culture of an organisation   (…and the same applies in the classroom) DUH! Can you recall a time when you had a boss who stormed out of his / her office?   As they stomped around the school looking like thunder, did you immediately look up and think, “Oh…

Making the Most of 2024

January 25, 2024

It’s relatively easy to start the year feeling refreshed and recharged and ready for the year ahead. It’s a little more difficult to maintain that energy level throughout the year. A little planning now can set up 2024 as your best year yet! To make 2024 better than last year we need both reflection and action. Without reflection, we will continue to repeat the same mistakes of the past. Without action, nothing is achieved. Take a moment or two now to reflect on 2023. What areas worked well and what areas contributed to higher levels of stress? Were you organised and prepared for peak periods eg events and reporting time? Were you efficient with your time or did you procrastinate or…

Want MORE Satisfaction From Your Work?

September 14, 2023

Working in schools can be demanding. More is expected of us than ever before. Increases in accountability, the accelerating pace of change, high expectations from busy, stressed parents and the challenges of working with people all add to the melting pot that is a busy school. It is therefore not surprising that staff morale can suffer. This leads to a lower sense of job satisfaction. However, according to Herzberg in the Harvard Business Review, “The factors that lead to producing job satisfaction (and motivation) are separate and distinct from the factors that lead to job dissatisfaction.” According to Herzberg the opposite of job satisfaction is NOT job dissatisfaction but rather, NO job satisfaction. This resonated as one of the main…

Are you Unhappy at Work?

August 10, 2023

Are you one of those people who jump out of bed each day and who enjoy their work so much they can’t wait to get there? According to recent research, about 25% of us really love what we do for a living. Then there are the majority of people, about 56%, who describe themselves as somewhat happy with their work but see room for improvement. Sadly, about 19% feel deeply unhappy with the work they do. Interestingly, the number one thing that makes us unhappy at work is also the number one thing that makes us happy. Are you ready for it? It is the quality of our workplace relationships – how well we are getting along with our leader…

The Benefits of Staying In Your Own Lane

July 27, 2023

In the dynamic and demanding field of education, staff who work in schools are often confronted with various challenges and obstacles that can distract them from their main focus. It is not uncommon for teachers (and other staff who work in schools) to find themselves immersed in the problems and struggles of their colleagues and this inadvertently impacting on them and their own well-being. Whilst schools are filled with caring staff who want to help others, focusing too much on the issues that others are having can be counter-productive. There are numerous benefits to ‘staying in your own lane’ by shifting the focus inward and prioritising one’s own workload over the problems of others. Getting the balance right is important.…

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