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What Makes Us Happy?

June 22, 2023

What does HAPPINESS mean to you? Would more money make you happier? … more job satisfaction? … more family time? … a new car? … more travel opportunities? What would make you happier? Social and brain scientists have been able to ascertain the things that make us happy – but to get there we need to stop our quest for status and stop buying unnecessary possessions. Scientists at the University of Wisconsin have used CT scans to identify the most active part of the brain during various moods. The most active part of the brain when we are distressed are the amygdala and the right frontal cortex. However, when we are in a positive mood those areas of the brain…

Rules of Engagement

April 6, 2023

Just as there are rules of engagement on the battlefield, there are rules of engagement in the classroom. The fight to get – and keep – students’ attention is the key to effective learning. Here are four rules to keeping students engaged in the learning process. Rule #1: Let Them Think. Learning occurs best when we deliver information in short bursts. This means offering new information in chunks of approximately 5-10 minutes, then allowing students to process and encode the information in memory. Once students have fully grasped an idea, we can build on that point and add more information. When we teach this way, the amount of material students retain rises dramatically compared to the more traditional approach of…

The ‘Happy’ Tonic – Your Free Antidote to Stress

March 30, 2023

AAGHH!!! – stress, frustration, anxiety, feeling overwhelmed….you know the feeling, especially at this time of the year? Stress and anxiety increase your levels of the hormones adrenaline and cortisol, within your body. In excess, these hormones dampen your immune system, leaving you exhausted and reducing your capacity to think clearly. Not a great combination! So, what can you do to combat the detrimental effects of an overload of stress in today’s busy world? The answer lies in the ‘Happy’ tonic! The three, simple, proven ‘Mind tools’, to lower your stress levels, increase your longevity and increase your inner happiness are: 1. STOP and Breathe (Try not to breathe! – it doesn’t work very well does it?) Next time you are…

Outcomes That Count

February 23, 2023

Feeling pressured by expectations placed on you in the classroom? It’s not just you! We’re in the midst of a stress epidemic and it’s showing up everywhere. So how do we minimise it? It could come down to the questions you ask. Questions worth asking are: ‘How do I sustain myself?’ and then, ‘How do I work towards outcomes that are sustainable and satisfying for my students?’. Both of these can be answered by focusing on outcomes that count in the long run. Can you remember your own school years? Which teachers do you remember? What was it that you remember most about them? Was it the score you received for a particular assessment? Probably not. Was it the type…

Making Teaching More Enjoyable

September 22, 2022

The number one goal of my work is to share strategies that make teaching that not only more effective and efficient but also enjoyable. When you continually make a series of small positive choices, they eventually become strong, unshakable habits that are an essential part of who you are. Share your authentic self to bring passion and energy to your teaching Good teaching is part science and part art. There are proven best practises but there is no one right way to teach. It’s not just your philosophy as a teacher that affects what happens in your classroom – your personality has a tremendous impact on the types of lessons you create, your instructional delivery and your rapport with students.…

5 Fast Mood Boosters

August 4, 2022

Life in schools is always busy and operates at a hectic pace. There are deadlines to meet and quiet periods are almost non-existent. It’s common to experience short periods of feeling over-whelmed and mildly depressed. The following tips are from Dr Timothy Sharp of the Happiness Institute and author of “100 Ways to Happiness: A Guide For Busy People”. Get Moving The benefits of exercise are widely known but often over-looked when we are busy. Even a 10 minute brisk walk changes the scenery and can relax the mind. Whilst we are least likely to do this when we are busy, that is the time we need it most. Look at it as a ten minute investment, not ten minutes…

Happiness is…..?

July 7, 2022

What does HAPPINESS mean to you? Would more money make you happier, more job satisfaction, more family time, a new car, more travel opportunities? What would make you happier? A Time magazine poll found happiness tended to increase as income rose to $50000 per year but after that money didn’t have a significant effect on happiness. They concluded that money ceases to have a significant effect on our happiness once an average level of income is attained. Social and brain scientists have been able to ascertain the things that make us happy – but to get there we need to stop our quest for status and stop buying unnecessary possessions. Scientists at the University of Wisconsin have used CT scans…

Top 5 Tips for Feeling Happy

June 16, 2022

There is a clear link between our health and our happiness. We know that the happier we are, the healthier we feel. The more that we can manage the stress in our lives and experience happiness, the more resistant we are to ill health. Working in schools means working with people. At times people can be unpredictable and difficult to deal with, especially when our reserves are running low. This can create challenging situations. Ultimately it is how we respond to these situations that has an impact on our stress levels and our happiness. We do have choices. Recognising that we have the power to choose how much things affect us is the first step in increasing our own happiness.…

5 Secrets to Improving WORK-LIFE Balance

January 27, 2022

We’re all BUSY! We all have lots of things that we must do, should do and could do with every second of every day! Despite the amazing technology that is available to us, almost all of us are busier than ever before.   Aim for WORK – LIFE Satisfaction NOT balance For most people the term ‘balance’ immediately brings to mind thoughts of balance scales. Many people visualise our work commitments on one side of the scales and the commitments in the other aspects of our lives on the other side. We seem to constantly add more tasks to the WORK side and feel guilty that we need to create more time and space for the LIFE side to regain…

Who Moved the Goal Posts?

September 23, 2021

To outsiders, working in a school probably seems simple enough! The aim or purpose won’t have appeared to have changed. Schools and staff in schools work towards helping young people learn, achieve their potential and become citizens who contribute to society. The big picture remains the same. However, most who work in schools feel inundated with change. The ‘goal posts’ appear to be constantly moving. This constant state of flux can be stressful, unless people have a way of looking at change that helps them to understand it. I believe Dr Spencer Johnson’s book ‘Who Moved My Cheese?’ is essential reading for all who work in schools. The story, a parable about change, involves four interesting mice characters who are…

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