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Countering Workplace Gossip

December 13, 2018

Let me start by saying that I am not against sharing personal news and accessing support from colleagues at school. In fact, such informal conversations are often typical of high-performing teams. But friendly work banter is quite different from gossip, which can be quite destructive to workplace relationships, morale and productivity. There are two main types of gossip: Hurtful personal gossip: This is where sensitive, personal information is being repeated without that person’s consent or what is being said about a is totally untrue and hurtful.      I recall one unhappy team member spreading false rumours about her manager who she said was having an affair. If you wouldn’t feel good repeating what is being said within that person’s hearing, don’t say it. Yes, most…

Eight Keys to Running Effective Meetings

March 9, 2017

I confess that I hate meetings – at least those that are poorly run, go on forever and where decisions are never made. Such meetings are a complete waste of  time.  Here are my thoughts on what it takes to make meetings a good use of your time and everyone else’s. A clear purpose: Is the purpose, for example, to share information, consult, collaborate on solutions, plan for the future or to encourage relationship building? Whatever it is, don’t rely on people’s mind-reading ability – be clear on what the purpose is. Relevance: There is nothing worse than suffering through a long meeting that is completely irrelevant to your work. So ask the questions, ‘Who needs to be there?’ and ‘Do…

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