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Positive Parent Information Sessions

February 1, 2024

Developing a trusting partnership between the school and the home not only benefits the student but can reduce stress on school staff. Parents who trust teachers and the staff of the school are far more likely to give the school the benefit of the doubt and be more forgiving of a mistake. Where trust is not evident, parents are more likely to be cautious and suspicious. Parent information sessions are important opportunities for building trust with parents. Information afternoons or evenings for parents are important occasions for starting to build trust with parents and setting the tone for a productive year. It can be helpful to consider the session from the parents’ viewpoint. They come along to the session to…

Start Well – Finish Well

January 18, 2024

Working in schools can be demanding. Each year it seems that more is expected of you than ever before. Competing demands result in having too much to do and not enough time to do it. It is the cumulative effect of workload and insidious day-to-day sources of stress and not the less frequent intense sources of stress, which staff in schools are most concerned about. Most people start the year with renewed energy, focus and vigour. They have enjoyed a well-earned break and are ready for another challenging year. Establishing systems and good habits are essential at this time of the year. The start of a new school year should set the tone for the rest of the year.  Now…

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