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Time For Reflection

December 12, 2024

As the school year draws to a close, it’s easy to feel swept away by the busyness of year end events and the exhaustion that accompany the final stretch. Each year is a journey filled with moments of triumph and challenge, creativity and resilience. Amid the whirlwind of planning, assessing and supporting students, it can sometimes be hard to recognise all you have accomplished. Yet, as the year comes to an end, it is a powerful time to pause and reflect on the impact you’ve made.

Finish Strong

November 14, 2024

The final term of the school year is a crazy busy time in schools. End of year assessment and reporting, class allocations, timetabling, budgets and planning for next year, swamp us at a time when our energies are low and many of us feel we are running on empty. At the end of the year we are likely to be more sensitive than usual, perhaps a little ‘thin skinned’ and emotional because we are run down and in need of that well-earned break. We shouldn’t be surprised. The same thing happens at this time every year. The important thing is HOW we respond to this challenge. Monitoring our self-talk and our sensitivity are particularly important at this time of the…

It’s Worth It! WTD Special Edition

October 24, 2024

Working in schools is challenging. At times we can wonder if it is all worth it. When we are feeling that way, it is important that we recognise the significance of our work. We aren’t working in factories, making widgets. We have the opportunity to change lives every single day. Whilst it isn’t easy and it is frustrating at times, ultimately, it is worth it! The following poem is shared to mark World Teachers’ Day. It was written for the cover of the Treasure Boxes provided as part of our Happy Teacher – Early Career Teacher program. The boxes were provided to first year teachers to encourage them to collect and treasure throughout their career, any notes or cards of…

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