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5 Top Tips for Lowering Stress

June 8, 2016

Working in schools can be very rewarding but it also can be stressful and demanding. The following 5 tips can help to lower stress at times when you feel under pressure. Choose a positive attitude – our attitude has a HUGE impact on our stress levels and our effectiveness each day. It is vital to realise that our attitude is NOT imposed on us. We have a choice each and every day. We can choose to be positive and enthusiastic or negative and at the mercy of others. The choice is ours! The attitude that we have is probably the most important decision that we make each day. On tough days, when things just don’t seem to be going our…

1000 Awesome Things

May 12, 2016

In “The Book of Awesome”, author Neil Pasricha provides a catalogue of universal little pleasures we all share. The book is intended to help us focus on the many little things that give us pleasure rather than the few things that annoy and frustrate us. In his book Pasricha offers a hearty cheer for all the things we take for granted. This philosophy applies in schools too! Inspired by the book I have started a list of things that happen in schools that add pleasure to our day… feel free to add to the list! A thank you note from a parent The first five minutes after 3 o’clock A ‘free’ afternoon when an after-school meeting is cancelled A staff…

Mindfulness- Bringing Calm to your Day

May 10, 2016

Mindfulness is one of the best ways to combat stress and anxiety. While mindfulness and meditation are no longer reserved for Buddhist retreats, you might still be unsure about how to integrate this practice into your life. Meditation can be broadly defined as any activity that involves controlling your attention. Mindfulness is about focusing on whatever is happening moment-by-moment without being judgmental. In mindfulness meditation, you actively choose to control where your mind goes. For example, you can choose to pay attention to your breath or the sounds around you. While that seems fairly simple, you’ll quickly discover that your attention easily wanders. Developing the ability to regulate our attention ultimately helps you to live more in the present moment…

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