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5 Simple Ways to Stress Less

September 3, 2020

Instead of making a list of resolutions that you know you won’t achieve, set yourself the goal of being happy, calm and in control at work every day. Here are five provenpsychological effects that can help, or harm, your stress, productivity and happiness. 1. Confirmation Bias – What You See is What You Get We notice and remember things that confirm our beliefs and discard those that don’t. Keep this in mind when you argue with a difficult colleague, negotiate with a challenging parent, or complain about an unfair school leader. If you already see them as ‘difficult’, ‘challenging’or ‘unfair’, you’ll continue to do so, even in the face of contrary evidence. Resolve to put these biases aside and approach…

Juggling Work-Life Balance Whilst Teaching Remotely

August 20, 2020

Achieving work-life balance is difficult at the best of times. However, the unprecedented changes and uncertainty brought about by COVID-19 have made it even more challenging. The rapidly changing environment has been both unsettling and demanding. Staff have had to quickly adopt new approaches, learn new technologies, retrofit lessons to suit the new approach and support the mental well-being of students, ALL in a time of personal stress and anxiety. The uncertainty brought about by COVID-19 outbreaks may result in a return to remote learning for periods of time. The following strategies are intended to help you in these uncertain times. Keep Perspective You are not alone. Angela Duckworth, Professor of Psychology and author of “Grit” writes that people’s stress…

All You Need Is Love by Keith Abraham 

May 21, 2020

Such a great song from the Beatles. In actual fact, we really need love now! As I have been chatting with audiences all around the world sharing my concept of choosing your mindset—or what I call an amplified attitude—I have been sharing six key mindsets each of us needs to have in this environment of uncertainty. Now, it’s not about having all six, it’s about picking one and focusing on it with such intensity that every cell in your body believes it. This mindset coupled with a high level of intensity changes how you turn up every day. It influences how you walk, talk, think, what you say to others and most importantly what you say to yourself. Here are…

Find your calm to prevent reactivity

April 30, 2020

I bet you can remember from your childhood that one teacher who stayed back after the bell to talk you through a tricky question, or the sports coach who reminded you that you have what it takes or the boss who let you extend a deadline to help take the pressure off. These people were our champions, our greatest supports who went that little bit extra to make sure we succeeded or had the opportunity to learn when things were hard. They were there to help us test and expand our comfort zone and to this day we remember fondly, even if they pushed us when the situation felt too hard. I can remember Mrs Wills. My third-grade teacher, who…

Be More Positive – the 30 Day Challenge

April 23, 2020

In times of uncertainty it is helpful to remain positive and optimistic.   Day 1     Choose a positive mantra and repeat it Day 2     Think about what you can be learning from your current challenges Day 3     For worst case scenarios, imagine the best thing that could happen Day 4     Share a great memory with a friend you haven’t seen this month Day 5     Print an inspiring quote and attach it to your bathroom mirror Day 6     Call someone to say thank you Day 7     Give a genuine compliment to three people Day 8     Cut negativity from your life by unfollowing, deleting and removing negative influences Day 9     Learn something new Day 10   Take some time outdoors Day 11   Meditate…

20 Things Mentally Strong People Do

April 2, 2020

We certainly live in ‘interesting’ times! The importance of the work done by staff in schools has been highlighted in recent weeks as we deal with the Corona Virus. Whilst it can be unsettling and challenging to face unchartered conditions, it is important that staff in schools remain calm, optimistic and mentally strong. Based on the work of Amy Morin in, “13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do”, I have created a list of the 20 things they actually do. 1 They move on. They don’t waste time feeling sorry for themselves. They quickly come to terms with what has happened and move on to the here and now. 2 They keep control. They don’t give away their power or…

Is Your TO DO List Making You Sick?

February 27, 2020

Exercise more, eat better, spend more time with the family, connect more with friends, how much more can we do? I know I’m not alone by sharing that once or twice (okay way more times) in my life I have felt stressed. I’m hiding so no one would find me, yelling at my phone to be quiet and on the brink, wanting to rip up my TO DO list and run to the mountains. Anyone with me? If we stop and think about the events that lead up to these meltdowns, we play a big part in getting ourselves into the situation. We keep saying yes when we want to say no, we sleep in when knowing we need to…

Resilience Research

October 3, 2019

Why do many people turn out as well as they do despite adverse life circumstances? Instead of being crushed by adversity in their personal life, somehow use it as motivation to grow. Why do people at work, instead of becoming negative and resistant to change, simply accept what is out of their control and make the best out of a tough situation? The answer is, I believe, people’s resilience – our ability to bounce back when faced with adversity. Part of the current thinking on resilience is that it is innate – most people are naturally programmed to survive and recover even after major setbacks. It also appears that our resilience is determined by the interaction between Risk Factors that…

Meditation to Calm the Mind

September 26, 2019

Many societies use meditation as a means of calming the mind from the busyness of everyday life. You don’t have to go to a rainforest, a health retreat or a temple to gain the benefits. Taking just 5 minutes from your busy day to focus on your breathing and calm your mind can have great benefits – see the left hand column for a 5 minute exercise. What is meditation? It is a practise of focusing your mind on one part of your body and working towards a state of peacefulness. If you have never practised or participated in meditation before it can be an interesting step forward in life for you. Where did meditation first begin? Meditation first began…

Getting Better Sleep

September 12, 2019

Often the affects of stress are compounded by problems of not getting the sleep we require. Our active minds and negative self-talk can keep us awake or wake us during the night. Many people who suffer from insomnia start to sleep poorly for some understandable reason (e.g. a baby kept them awake, accumulation of stresses or a trauma). However the sleep problems often continue after the event as a habit has developed. Dr David Morawetz’s self-help program “Sleep Better…Without Drugs” provides a great 4 to 6 week program for overcoming bad sleep habits. Like all programs, the benefit will only come through discipline in applying the advice given. The following Nine Rules for Better Sleep are offered as a starting…

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