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Do You Look After Yourself

March 28, 2024

Recently I was suffering from “man flu”. Men are always the last to know that they have it. Luckily my gorgeous wife was able to point it out to me. Apparently, “man flu” is when a man has a slight cold but they think it is the end of the world! Now, I am not a believer in “soldiering on”. I believe that when my body is ill I need to rest and let it get better. Consequently, I cancelled several work and social appointments. Now, I could have gone along but it was just not worth it. There was a slight chance I could have infected the person I was meeting (and depending on their air-conditioning system, half of the…

Is It Good Or Bad

June 29, 2023

As humans, we have a tendency to categorise things as either good or bad. This cognitive bias is deeply ingrained in us and affects our daily lives in various ways. We tend to judge events, experiences and people based on this binary thinking, which can be limiting and counterproductive. It is not helpful to judge situations as good or bad as this can affect our mental and emotional wellbeing. Judging situations as good or bad can create unnecessary stress and anxiety. When we label a situation as bad, we tend to focus on the negative aspects of it and ruminate over it. This can lead to feelings of hopelessness, helplessness and despair, which can affect our mental health. On the…

Do You Look After Yourself?

May 4, 2023

Recently I was suffering from “man flu”. Men are always the last to know that they have it. Luckily my gorgeous wife was able to point it out to me. Apparently, “man flu” is when a man has a slight cold but they think it is the end of the world! Now, I am not a believer in “soldiering on”. I believe that when my body is ill I need to rest and let it get better. Consequently, I cancelled several work and social appointments. Now, I could have gone along but it was just not worth it. There was a slight chance I could have infected the person I was meeting (and depending on their air-conditioning system, half of the…

Do You Have Piles?

May 19, 2022

Are you one of these people with piles?  No not the medical condition! What I mean is piles of paper on your desk, the windowsill, the floor etc?   Maybe you even have them on the bench at home or in your home office? You know the piles I am talking about. They are the, “I’ll do that later” piles. These piles drain your energy. Just looking at them exhausts you. Even when you are focused on other things, these piles pollute your sub-conscious. They distract your attention and make you feel guilty about the things that you haven’t done or still need to get to. Our work can seem never ending. Have you ever turned up to work, looked at…

Christmas is For Giving

December 9, 2021

As we come to the end of the school year, many people who work in schools start to panic about the gifts they need to buy. Organised people have worked their way through their list and purchased (or even made) thoughtful gifts for loved ones. The rest of us start to think about the gifts we should give once the list of end of year tasks is finally under control (or on break up day – whichever comes sooner!) Christmas can be a stressful time. Often families come together and at times tensions can rise. As I was thinking about Christmas (one of my favourite times of the year), I remembered what I had been told as a kid, that…

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