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Managing Upwards

April 13, 2023

A recent poll of one million workers showed that the number one reason people quit their jobs is a bad boss. So what do you do if you have a supervisor you are unhappy with? You can leave or become miserable and make their life hell, but you can also attempt to influence positive change. The challenge is how to manage upwards. Here are six ways you can develop a more positive working relationship with your line manager. Get to know them. Look for opportunities to get to know them and build more of a relationship with them. Find out what is important to them in their personal life – perhaps their children or a passion they have. Building rapport helps to…

Can Kids Count on You?

March 23, 2023

Do you have the trust of those you teach? The bottom line and absolute truth is that humans — whether adults or children — don’t learn if we don’t trust. Children easily vibe when adults lack trust with each other and they aren’t blind to the hypocrisy of those same adults telling them to trust their teachers and fellow students.That said, trust is not a given. It has to be earned. According to educational consultant and author of Trust Matters, Megan Tschannen-Moran, in a hierarchal relationship, those in power — teachers, in the case of the classroom — are responsible for building trust. Keep it Real Sure, mix it up and add a few new slogans to your repertoire of…

Efficient Email

March 16, 2023

Email is meant to make our lives easier and improve our communication by being fast, easy to use and ‘stockpiling’ messages for when WE are ready to read them.  However, we are all too aware of the downsides of email as well. Email creates a sense of urgency and immediacy. We assume that other people have read our email almost as soon as it has been sent. We expect a quick reply and become frustrated when we don’t receive a timely response. As well as this feeling of frustration, this immediacy can also hijack our predetermined priorities. An incoming email is not just another task added to our ‘To Do’ list, it becomes THE task that I need to do…

Successful Parent Information Sessions

Parent information sessions are often the first point of contact between parents and teachers. They present a unique opportunity for teachers to showcase their own strengths and those of the school. Maximising this opportunity can improve the quality of communication and cooperation between parents and school staff. This can set us up for success throughout the entire year by building solid working relationships with parents, enhancing the professional image of the teacher, showcasing the school as a well-organised and high quality learning environment and demonstrating the teacher’s commitment and enthusiasm. Many teachers present confidently in front of their students but are nervous about presenting to adults. It’s important to be clear on your intentions for the session and to think…

The Unwritten Ground Rules (UGR’s)

July 28, 2022

I have read many articles and books over the years that have focused on the concept of an organisational culture. For many years I passed the concept off as an academic one that had little practical application in the workforce. During that period however, I remained confused. As a consultant, going into various organisations, I could ‘feel’ the culture. In one organisation there would be a positive, upbeat feel to it. In another, there was a little tension in the air. In another, you could cut the air with a knife! The confusion I felt centred on recognition that culture played a fundamental role in every organisation. Yet I could not understand it in simple or practical terms. That remained…

How to Work SMARTER and not HARDER with Email

July 21, 2022

One of the challenges facing staff in schools is the volume of email received.  Whilst we all want to be responsive to our colleagues, parents and connections, it can be challenging to find the right balance between managing email AND getting your work done! If you have ever gone home at night feeling like you have done nothing all day except respond to other people’s emails, then maybe it is time you sent out an Email S.O.S! What is Email SOS? It’s a simple strategy to help you reduce the volume of email you receive, enabling you to increase your productivity by strategically focusing on how you use your time. Share these simple strategies at your school and you’ll find…

People Management Mistakes and How To Avoid Them

July 14, 2022

Here are five common pitfalls of people management to avoid. Being too busy to touch base. It is easy to forget the importance of touching base with other team members. Speaking regularly with our colleagues is one of the most important things we can do. Human beings are social animals. Genuinely asking ‘How are you going?’, thanking them for their efforts and laughing with your team mates, are all important parts of team well-being. Not communicating expectations. In sharing the load and working well in teams, it is important to clearly communicate our key expectations of each other. One staff member I know has three key expectations of her colleagues – that they are reliable, responsible and respectful. What are…

Would You Rather Be “Right” Or “Happy”?

April 14, 2022

In his book ‘Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff’, author Richard Carlson notes that one of the most important questions you can ever ask yourself is, “Do I want to be ‘right’ – or do I want to be happy?” According to Carlson, many times the two are mutually exclusive! At times we can waste our time, energy and goodwill by endeavouring to prove we are right and almost as importantly, the other person is wrong. The need to always be right alienates people. It encourages them to be defensive and in turn requires us to continue to assert and defend our position. Whilst some aspects of education are clear cut, many are not. People by their very nature have their…

To CC or Not to CC: Managing Email in Schools

March 10, 2022

Email was intended to be a fantastic means of easy, two way communication. However, it has inherent weaknesses that need to be considered, especially in schools. One of the key benefits of email SHOULD be that the messages are there waiting for you when YOU have time to look at them. Email was intended to reduce the number interruptions into your day eg phone calls, intercom, visitors to your door with notes etc. To attain this benefit, email alerts need to be switched off or the arrival of an email WILL interrupt you. Be aware that email is addictive. Most users check their email numerous times each day. This distracts their focus (even briefly) from the activity they are currently…

Mastering the Art of Active Listening

September 16, 2021

According to Stephen Covey, being a good listener is the fastest way to build trust. Often in schools we are so busy, that we don’t really listen. Mastering these active listening skills can build trust and make our lives easier. Be fully present – Give the other person your full attention. If you have found your attention wandering off, come straight back to your speaker. Listen with your intellect, mind and heart and remain respectful at all times. Most of all, avoid the temptation to think about your response in advance. Avoid jumping to conclusions and making assumptions – Learn to listen ‘cleanly’. This means actively seeking to understand the other person’s point of view without adding your own judgments…

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