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Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

September 29, 2022

As strange as it may seem….as a teacher I am often envious of tilers, painters and especially carpet layers! At the end of their day they can look back and clearly see what they have achieved THAT day. Whilst they often start early in the day (like staff in schools), by the end of their day they can see the immediate impact of their work (unlike staff in schools on many days). The bathroom is newly tiled, walls painted and bedrooms carpeted. All to the delight of their client! Whilst we have taught lessons, marked student work, assisted students, managed behaviour, applied consequences, bandaged scrapes, put ice on bruises and handled queries from parents, much of our work is not…

Faster Than the Speed of Sound

September 15, 2022

Emotional tension and conflicts can be a big distraction to your focus and engagement at school – especially at high work flow times such as assessing and reporting, when you simply cannot afford to spare a moment. So, how do you stay resilient and productive during the emotionally tense high work flow periods? The key lies in staying centred. Centredness is having a clear mind and calm body that is free of distraction or tension, regardless of what is happening around you. Centredness gives you the mental clarity and emotional control to get the job done without engaging in an emotional battle. As a child I remember sneaking out of my bed at night to watch the lightning in the…

YOU Choose YOUR Attitude

September 8, 2022

The single most important factor in our stress level is OUR attitude. The attitude we bring to a situation has a huge impact on how we see and react to each of the situations we face. This has a direct impact on our stress level. The attitude that we bring is evident in our self-talk, that little voice inside our head! Our attitude acts like a lens through which we ‘see’ situations. I am sure that you will have heard the classic story where two people witnessing the same car accident, report seeing different things. Your attitude acts as a filter and therefore has a huge impact on how we ‘see’ events. Many people believe our attitude is caused directly…

Checking in on a Colleague – RUOK? (Part 2)

August 25, 2022

In Part 1 we looked at the signs to look for that might indicate that someone may need some extra support.   Simple steps to talk to a colleague who’s not OK.   Getting ready to ask 1 Be ready – Are you in a good headspace? Are you willing to genuinely listen? Can you give as much time as needed? 2 Be prepared – Remember that you won’t have all the answers (which is OK). Listening is one of the most important things you can do. If someone is talking about personal struggles this can be difficult and they might get emotional, embarrassed or upset. 3 Pick your moment – Have you chosen somewhere that is relatively private and…

Checking in on a Colleague – RUOK? (Part 1)

August 25, 2022

What are the signs someone might need some extra support?  Over a fortnight, have you noticed two or more of the below? Changes in their physical appearance? Look more tired than usual Seem “flat” or drained of energy Have had a pattern of illness or being constantly run down Are complaining of physical health issues such as headaches/migraines Are eating much more or much less than usual Are drinking more alcohol than usual Seem more fidgety and nervous than usual Changes in mood? Seem more irritable, snappy or fly off the handle when they normally wouldn’t Appear more anxious and worried about everything i.e. work and personal life React more emotionally than the situation warrants Are quick to anger Appear…

Clearing Your Head When Feeling Overwhelmed

June 23, 2022

As a teenager I sustained a life-threatening injury when, during a match, a hockey ball struck me in the head and damaged my temporal lobe, the area of the brain responsible for auditory perception, speech and language and memory. To help me through school and university, I needed to develop methods to reduce excessive cognitive loading and instill strategies to aid in my decision-making processes. To do this I had to develop simple strategies to clear my head of overwhelm and to simplify complex information into ways that were easy for me to digest and remember. Out of my challenges, came ways that I now use with others to help them simplify the complexity of their work. If I attempt…

Life Is Not the Way It Is Supposed to Be- Part 2

June 9, 2022

In part one I paraphrased a quote from Virginia Satir “Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. It’s what we chose to do with it , that makes the difference.“ So, how serene are you? Do you ever have a feeling of equilibrium or a deep sense of contentment? (mind you I have not in the past few months!!) What events – and more importantly thoughts – disturb your equilibrium? Are you able to find peace in the chaos? Have you had a situation in the past where you have just accepted things as they are and worked with that situation as it evolved? Do you listen to intuition or hunches…

Life Is Not the Way It Is Supposed to Be- Part 1

June 2, 2022

I found this fantastic quote and thought ‘wow’! “Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.“       Virginia Satir Of course! But often it’s the most obvious things that we lose sight of in this age of super uncertainty, fear and stress. These last two years has been one of tumultuous personal change and fear for most people. I think that’s why this quote had such an impact on me. There is an element of acceptance or surrender that is necessary for us to flow with the tidal waves of life as opposed to the struggle involved in battling the…

Survival Hacks for Teachers -Part 2

March 31, 2022

This is the second part of Gabbie Stroud’s summary of a recent webinar she delivered titled “How Am I Going to Last the Year? Survival Hacks for Teachers”. Hack seven: Get professional help If you’ve found yourself wishing for ‘a touch of Covid’ so you could have a week off work, your head’s not in a great place (even though it’s an understandable thought).  See a psychologist to talk through your feelings.  A psychologist is better than a friend because they can offer objective opinions, possible solutions and you don’t have to listen to their problems! It can be hard to get in to see a professional but it’s worth the effort.  Start by seeing your doctor and requesting a…

Survival Hacks for Teachers -Part 1

March 24, 2022

If you’re already feeling burnt out, demoralised and exhausted (and it’s not even Term 2), you must remember that ‘it’s not you’ or something you did or didn’t do.  The education system is currently overloaded and expecting more from teachers that can ever be delivered. It’s not you – it’s the system! This is a two part summary of Gabbie’s recent webinar titled “How Am I Going to Last the Year? Survival Hacks for Teachers”. Remember also that this advice is ‘teacher to teacher’ and is not based on research but on Gabbie’s lived experience of trying to survive the last two years of her teaching career. Hack One: Have a “work binge” Pick a night or a couple of…

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