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Two Words to Start the Day With in Challenging Times

July 29, 2021

Sad but true – we all have a Use By Date. Whilst we don’t like to think about it, it is inevitable. At some stage we are all going to die. In “The Comfort Crisis” author Michael Easter quotes researchers from the University of Kentucky who had people think about death and the result was…they got happier. The scientists concluded, “Death is a psychologically threatening fact but when people contemplate it, apparently the automatic system begins to search for happy thoughts.” Easter notes that it is similar to being on holiday. If you obsessively dwell on your holiday ending (yes we will be able to travel again in the future), it is depressing and isn’t helpful. However, acknowledging that the…

Good Intentions Aren’t Enough

June 24, 2021

Most of us have good intentions about looking after our own well-being. We also have a pretty clear idea about what we SHOULD be doing. We SHOULD do the most important things FIRST! We SHOULD get some exercise, even when we are busy! We SHOULD stop and eat a healthy lunch! We SHOULD drink more water! We SHOULD be more positive and optimistic in the staffroom! At times we ‘SHOULD’ all over ourselves! However, having good intentions isn’t enough – it’s your actual behaviour that counts! To reduce our stress levels and improve our well-being, we need to have the discipline to stick to the things we KNOW we SHOULD do. Our own thought processes and self-talk have a significant…

Sleep is as Important to Your Health as Diet and Exercise

June 10, 2021

Sleep is something we all do; in fact, we spend around a third of our lives in this strange, unconscious state. A lack of sleep impacts on our physical and mental health. Too little sleep can devastate your body, brain and microbiome (gut bacteria), dramatically increasing your risk of developing a range of chronic conditions. As adults we should be aiming for 7 to 9 hours per night. However, it isn’t just the quantity of the sleep that we get that is important, the quality of sleep has an impact too. In his book, Fast Asleep, Dr Michael Mosley provides advice on how to get a really good night’s sleep. Fortunately, there are surprising and highly effective ways to improve…

How Well Do You Currently Manage Your Stress Level?

June 3, 2021

It’s not a very comfortable thought, but true nonetheless; staff who work in schools are at very high risk of burnout. All of us are. We don’t have to be new teachers or have a difficult schedule or even teach the worst-behaved students in the school. This makes sense if you consider how we spend our days: sandwiched between the needs of our students, the requirements of the curriculum, the expectations of our society and our own idealism—our desire to effect a positive change in the world. There is comfort in sensibly accepting the knowledge that we are at risk of burnout. Because career stress is not going to vanish overnight, it is up to you to protect yourself from…

Directions For Recalculating From the GPS Girl

May 20, 2021

What does it mean to Recalculate? When we are in the car and we hear the voice in the GPS say “Recalculating” we know we have taken a wrong turn.  The satellites work their magic and in a few quick turns we are headed toward our destination. In fact, by the time we even hear the word “Recalculating” we are already back on track. I want you to think of this word as good news! We can Recalculate in life when things are not going as planned. When will I know it is time to Recalculate? Often an emotional response will be your best way to “notice you are off route.”  You may be frustrated, upset, overwhelmed, disappointed or angry. This is…

Disconnecting Is Vital

April 15, 2021

It can be difficult to disconnect from our work in schools. We often think about the challenges we face and worry about particular students, even when we are on holidays. Technological “improvements” have made us more connected than ever and this can have a negative effect on our well-being. The ability to disconnect is more important than ever. If we are constantly “on” and thinking about our work, our stress levels will be high and we are unlikely to be present in our home life. This has a negative effect on our relationships and our happiness. Dr Adam Fraser in his excellent book, “The Third Space” highlights the importance of transitioning between school and home. Creating an opportunity to leave…

Making the Most of the Holidays – Part 2

December 10, 2020

It’s imperative that you make the most of a holiday break away from work so you return to school feeling rested, recharged and ready to take on the new challenges. In part 2 we look at 8 more strategies. 8. Consider investing in a cleaner and/or a gardener – Whilst budgets are tight, you work hard. For your own wellbeing it is worth considering some help with the cleaning or gardening. An expert will get through tasks much quicker than you ever will. Consider this benefit – in addition to you having more of your precious time, you’ll also be providing someone else with an income. How good is that? 9. Indulge yourself – Get your hair cut, beard trimmed,…

Making the Most of the Holidays – Part 1

December 3, 2020

As the holidays approach, it’s imperative that you make the most of the time away from work so you return to school feeling like you have actually had a holiday and are ready to take on the challenges of a new term. Rest up – As staff who work in schools, we are constantly on the go, some would argue even hyper-vigilant in our day-to-day interactions. We underestimate (and actively ignore) the affect that constantly being in this state has on our bodies (adrenal fatigue anyone?) This often goes unnoticed until holidays arrive and we fall in a big heap.  Make the most of the holiday break to rest and recuperate by allocating time to do nothing (except perhaps some…

7 Day Attitude Adjustment Challenge

October 8, 2020

The most important decision we make every day is our attitude. Each day you make a choice – you can be cranky, sarcastic and negative or you can be positive, enthusiastic and full of energy. We can choose to be positive and upbeat or we can choose to be negative and be filled with doom and gloom. Whilst some people make the choice about their attitude subconsciously, it is a choice that you get to make every single day. Nobody else can make that choice for you. Attitudes are important and have a massive impact on our energy levels. Our energy level is closely linked with our attitude. People with lots of energy tend to have a positive, ‘can-do’ attitude.…

Rituals to increase your happiness

October 1, 2020

Working in schools can be challenging. The uncertainty of COVID has exacerbated this. The following rituals can help to increase your happiness. They are based on the work of UCLA neuroscience researcher Alex Korb. What am I grateful for? This is the most important question to ask yourself when you feel down. According to neuroscientists just thinking about what am I grateful for releases dopamine and serotonin. Even if you feel that things are particularly tough at the moment and you are struggling to find things to be grateful for, the act of searching for the positives is beneficial. Remembering to be grateful is a form of emotional intelligence. Label Negative Feelings When you feel you are becoming overwhelmed by…

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