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Making Teaching More Enjoyable

September 22, 2022

The number one goal of my work is to share strategies that make teaching that not only more effective and efficient but also enjoyable. When you continually make a series of small positive choices, they eventually become strong, unshakable habits that are an essential part of who you are. Share your authentic self to bring passion and energy to your teaching Good teaching is part science and part art. There are proven best practises but there is no one right way to teach. It’s not just your philosophy as a teacher that affects what happens in your classroom – your personality has a tremendous impact on the types of lessons you create, your instructional delivery and your rapport with students.…

Faster Than the Speed of Sound

September 15, 2022

Emotional tension and conflicts can be a big distraction to your focus and engagement at school – especially at high work flow times such as assessing and reporting, when you simply cannot afford to spare a moment. So, how do you stay resilient and productive during the emotionally tense high work flow periods? The key lies in staying centred. Centredness is having a clear mind and calm body that is free of distraction or tension, regardless of what is happening around you. Centredness gives you the mental clarity and emotional control to get the job done without engaging in an emotional battle. As a child I remember sneaking out of my bed at night to watch the lightning in the…

YOU Choose YOUR Attitude

September 8, 2022

The single most important factor in our stress level is OUR attitude. The attitude we bring to a situation has a huge impact on how we see and react to each of the situations we face. This has a direct impact on our stress level. The attitude that we bring is evident in our self-talk, that little voice inside our head! Our attitude acts like a lens through which we ‘see’ situations. I am sure that you will have heard the classic story where two people witnessing the same car accident, report seeing different things. Your attitude acts as a filter and therefore has a huge impact on how we ‘see’ events. Many people believe our attitude is caused directly…

Checking in on a Colleague – RUOK? (Part 2)

August 25, 2022

In Part 1 we looked at the signs to look for that might indicate that someone may need some extra support.   Simple steps to talk to a colleague who’s not OK.   Getting ready to ask 1 Be ready – Are you in a good headspace? Are you willing to genuinely listen? Can you give as much time as needed? 2 Be prepared – Remember that you won’t have all the answers (which is OK). Listening is one of the most important things you can do. If someone is talking about personal struggles this can be difficult and they might get emotional, embarrassed or upset. 3 Pick your moment – Have you chosen somewhere that is relatively private and…

Checking in on a Colleague – RUOK? (Part 1)

August 25, 2022

What are the signs someone might need some extra support?  Over a fortnight, have you noticed two or more of the below? Changes in their physical appearance? Look more tired than usual Seem “flat” or drained of energy Have had a pattern of illness or being constantly run down Are complaining of physical health issues such as headaches/migraines Are eating much more or much less than usual Are drinking more alcohol than usual Seem more fidgety and nervous than usual Changes in mood? Seem more irritable, snappy or fly off the handle when they normally wouldn’t Appear more anxious and worried about everything i.e. work and personal life React more emotionally than the situation warrants Are quick to anger Appear…

Efficient or Effective – Part 2

August 18, 2022

In Part One we identified that many people confuse the issues of efficiency and effectiveness. As a result, people often fail to identify the true causes of their productivity problems and fail to solve them. We simplified the difference to… Efficient – Doing things right Effective – Doing the right things It is a difference of HOW you are doing things versus WHAT things you are doing. Effectiveness is about completing tasks which matter – tasks which make a difference to you, your families and your school. As Henry David Thoreau wrote, “It is not enough to be busy. So are the ants. The question is: What are we busy about?” Effectiveness is an issue of quality of tasks. Not…

Efficient or Effective – Part 1

August 11, 2022

“I want to be more efficient and effective!” is a statement often heard in schools. Yet many people aren’t clear on the difference between being more efficient and being more effective. They are not interchangeable words and represent completely separate goals. Efforts to improve “productivity” in the workplace often lead to confusion as to whether they need more efficiency or more effectiveness. As a result, nothing much changes. Understanding the two concepts and correctly identifying which you need to focus on, is critical. The easiest way to differentiate between the two concepts is… Efficient – Doing things right Effective – Doing the right things This simple definition cuts to the heart of the matter – efficient is about HOW you…

5 Fast Mood Boosters

August 4, 2022

Life in schools is always busy and operates at a hectic pace. There are deadlines to meet and quiet periods are almost non-existent. It’s common to experience short periods of feeling over-whelmed and mildly depressed. The following tips are from Dr Timothy Sharp of the Happiness Institute and author of “100 Ways to Happiness: A Guide For Busy People”. Get Moving The benefits of exercise are widely known but often over-looked when we are busy. Even a 10 minute brisk walk changes the scenery and can relax the mind. Whilst we are least likely to do this when we are busy, that is the time we need it most. Look at it as a ten minute investment, not ten minutes…

The Unwritten Ground Rules (UGR’s)

July 28, 2022

I have read many articles and books over the years that have focused on the concept of an organisational culture. For many years I passed the concept off as an academic one that had little practical application in the workforce. During that period however, I remained confused. As a consultant, going into various organisations, I could ‘feel’ the culture. In one organisation there would be a positive, upbeat feel to it. In another, there was a little tension in the air. In another, you could cut the air with a knife! The confusion I felt centred on recognition that culture played a fundamental role in every organisation. Yet I could not understand it in simple or practical terms. That remained…

How to Work SMARTER and not HARDER with Email

July 21, 2022

One of the challenges facing staff in schools is the volume of email received.  Whilst we all want to be responsive to our colleagues, parents and connections, it can be challenging to find the right balance between managing email AND getting your work done! If you have ever gone home at night feeling like you have done nothing all day except respond to other people’s emails, then maybe it is time you sent out an Email S.O.S! What is Email SOS? It’s a simple strategy to help you reduce the volume of email you receive, enabling you to increase your productivity by strategically focusing on how you use your time. Share these simple strategies at your school and you’ll find…

People Management Mistakes and How To Avoid Them

July 14, 2022

Here are five common pitfalls of people management to avoid. Being too busy to touch base. It is easy to forget the importance of touching base with other team members. Speaking regularly with our colleagues is one of the most important things we can do. Human beings are social animals. Genuinely asking ‘How are you going?’, thanking them for their efforts and laughing with your team mates, are all important parts of team well-being. Not communicating expectations. In sharing the load and working well in teams, it is important to clearly communicate our key expectations of each other. One staff member I know has three key expectations of her colleagues – that they are reliable, responsible and respectful. What are…

Happiness is…..?

July 7, 2022

What does HAPPINESS mean to you? Would more money make you happier, more job satisfaction, more family time, a new car, more travel opportunities? What would make you happier? A Time magazine poll found happiness tended to increase as income rose to $50000 per year but after that money didn’t have a significant effect on happiness. They concluded that money ceases to have a significant effect on our happiness once an average level of income is attained. Social and brain scientists have been able to ascertain the things that make us happy – but to get there we need to stop our quest for status and stop buying unnecessary possessions. Scientists at the University of Wisconsin have used CT scans…

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